
The College of Accountancy and Finance is a private higher education institution. Our goal is to develop creative individuals by providing good business and financial education.

Our academic staff is comprised of full-time lecturers and practicing professionals. The College develops international cooperation on the basis of quality standards within the European Higher Education Area and actively works on the application of the Bologna Process rules in academic, research and other activities. The main objectives of European education are also the objectives of the College. College study programmes comply with European educational standards and the European Credit Transfer System, ensuring comparability with similar programmes in Europe.

The aim of the College's international cooperation is to improve professional competencies.

Directions of international cooperation strategy:

  • Bilateral mobility of students, lecturers and administrative staff;
  • Development of international forms of cooperation;
  • The international dimension of study programmes;
  • Regular improvement of study programmes, while observing the Bologna process guidelines;
  • Participation and initiatives in international projects;
  • Using the opportunities of lifelong learning programmes.

The international cooperation strategy is developed in accordance with the following principles and objectives:

  • Lifelong learning;
  • From teaching to learning;
  • Quality of culture;
  • Openness;
  • Transparency;
  • Equal opportunities;
  • Opportunities to compare.

The ERASMUS+ program gives students of the College of Accountancy and Finance the opportunity to study their programmes at one of more than 12 foreign higher education institutions. The College has concluded agreements in five different EU countries. Agreements have been concluded for both study programmes. This academic year, our students are offered activities in Lithuanian, Polish, Czech, Portuguese and Turkish higher education institutions. The choice of higher education institution depends on the students' wishes and possibilities. After completing the study and/or internship (2 - 5 months), the student obtains a certificate confirming the study or internship abroad. A record is made in the Diploma Supplement that the graduate has mastered a part of the study programme at a foreign higher education institution or has completed an internship abroad.

The ERASMUS+ program is funded by the European Union and the Republic of Latvia. The rules of the program are same for both third countries and participating countries.

The College has obtained the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) 2021-2027. ECHE provides a good opportunity to participate in all Erasmus+ activities, such as learning mobility for individuals and/or cooperation in the field of innovation and good practice within the next Erasmus+ period.

Erasmus+ Programme Guide


Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 Guidelines

Erasmus Programme 2021-2027

ISPO Student Information Sheet

Erasmus Policy Statement


Erasmus+ Students Network;

Erasmus+ jaunumi;

Student Training Agreement;

Erasmus+ Learning Agreement.

Online Learning Agreement for Studies

Eiropas vienotā valodu prasmes līmeņa noteikšanas sistēma

Tiešsaistes valodas atbalsts OLS

Nolikums par Erasmus+ programmas īstenošanu

Learn Language Basics

European Student Card Initiative (ESCI)European Student Card Initiative (ESCI)

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