ERASMUS + Blended Intensive Program (BIP)
“From Networking to Grant Concept Development”
At Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences, Estonia
During 18/11/2024 - 22/11/2024
I leave this review with great gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the program “From Networking to Grant Concept Development” – development of a group pilot project under the guidance of highly competent lecturers Mr. Madis Saluveer and Mr. Voldemar Tomusk. In my opinion, this is a unique program, which especially vividly demonstrates a practical approach to decomposition and analysis of ideas from the point of view of European scientific values. Examples of best practices, as well as possible errors in the description of projects, are clearly shown. The recommended methodology allows both strategically and operationally to determine, reveal and present the potential of the project. The work carried out and acquirements became the foundation for future projects and definitely needs to be continued.
CAF Lecturer
Jūlija Pouha
I had an opportunity to participate in ISCAL INTERNATIONAL DAYS RESEARCH AND INNOVATION in April, 2024 which took place in Portugal. The event was attended by representatives from various countries and their universities, such as Università degli studi di Milano, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland, West University of Timisoara, Romania, School of Economics and Business University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Technical University of Liberec, Czechia.
During the meeting, the participants introduced the universities they represent to those present and shared very interesting presentations on various topics. We discussed together, and looked for answers to complex questions, as a result, adding to the scope of knowledge and enriching our experience. The topic of my presentation was "The shadow economy and the fight against it", in which I shared my research on the main drivers of the shadow economy and how governments plan to limit the shadow economy. Each lecturer also had the opportunity to give lectures to students and engage them in discussions on the respective topic.
At the end of the event, a city tour made it possible to get to know the country's history and national dishes. Participation in experience exchange programs is a great opportunity to improve knowledge, gain new professional skills, as well as build cooperation with colleagues from other countries.
Mg.oec. Ieva Rebiņa-Serjakova
Mums, Grāmatvedības un finanšu koledžas 2. kursa studentiem: Vladai Draguņevičai, Nataljai Pavļučenko, Svetlanai Zurovskai, bija gods piedalīties Erasmus+ īstermiņa apmācības programmā. Mobilitātes programma tika veltīta Lietuvas finanšu sistēmas un nodokļu likumdošanas izpētei. Brauciens uz Panevėžio Kolegiju Lietuvā kļuva ne tikai par izglītojošu, bet arī kultūras pasākumu.
Praktiskās studijas Lietuvā ļāva mums labāk izprast vietējo nodokļu likumdošanu un redzēt to pielietojumu praksē. Studiju laikā tika izpētītas reālas situācijās nodokļu grāmatvedībā, apspriesti normatīvo aktu aktuāli jautājumi, kas būtiski bagātināja mūsu profesionālās zināšanas. Vizīte sniedza unikālu iespēju no pirmavotiem uzzināt par Lietuvas nodokļu sistēmas darbību un salīdzināt to ar Latvijas nodokļu iekasēšanas sistēmas funkcionēšanu. Docētāja Ana Samuilova un Alma Skujienė ir īsti profesionāļi izglītības un grāmatvedības jomā, un visu laiku bija gatavas palīdzēt un atbildēt uz jautājumiem. Apmācības programmas beigās veiksmīgi nokārtojām pārbaudījumu finansēs un nodokļos.
Papildus mūsu programmas izglītojošajai daļai uzņemošā puse organizēja kultūras programmu. Apmeklējām mākslas galeriju un nesen atvērto modernās mākslas muzeju. Pēc pastaigas pa pilsētu mūs apbūra gan tās enerģija, gan mājīgums.
Programma tika veiksmīgi pabeigta, un mēs kā dalībnieki izsakām pateicību organizatoriem par augsto sagatavotības līmeni un nodarbību saturu. Esam ļoti gandarītas par dalību Erasmus + programmā un esam pateicīgas Grāmatvedības un finanšu koledžai un Panevėžio Kolegijai par tādu iespēju studentiem, kurus interesē starptautiskā darba pieredze.
Mēs mudinām ikvienu studentu apsvērt iespējas piedalīties šādās programmās, lai bagātinātu savu izglītības un profesionālo pieredzi.
I chose the Erasmus+ program because I had always wished to travel to a different country, and the idea of a close and supported first experience was appealing. Additionally, the financial assistance provided was highly beneficial in making this opportunity more accessible.
Both before and during the mobility, the sending and receiving universities were incredibly helpful. They provided assistance with accommodation and were readily available to address any queries or concerns, making the transition smoother. Their support extended to providing information about the city itself, further enhancing the overall experience.
Participating in the Erasmus+ study mobility program provided me with a broader understanding of my chosen profession. I realized how different neighboring countries can be in this field, offering unique perspectives and approaches. Some of the most interesting tasks I got to do were creating a poster and a business idea for the company called "Suvenyras." Moreover, I had the opportunity to see how accounting programs work, calculate income taxes, fill balance sheets, and engage in various other practical activities. On a personal level, the experience taught me that taking risks and embracing the unknown, can lead to something very beautiful.
Living in a different country during my Erasmus+ study period left a lasting impact on me. The opportunity to connect with fellow students from diverse backgrounds was enriching. Witnessing the differences in people's lifestyles, cultures, and perspectives was eye-opening and helped me develop a deeper appreciation for diversity.
For students considering participating in the Erasmus+ study mobility program, it would be best to arrange all required documents on time and make sure to plan your finances. By doing so, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in this incredible experience, embracing the new environment, and making the most of the opportunities presented to them.
Sandra, student
Field of study: Accounting and Finance
Host university: Panevėžio kolegija/State Higher Education Institution,
Laisvės a. 23, 35200 Panevėžys, Lithuania
The mobility period: 2022./2023. st.y. spring semester
We are very satisfied of the level and the quality of the education that the Panevėžio kolegija provides.
It’s hard for us to underline something specific about the college because we actually liked everything in it. The college has a friendly atmosphere. Lectures were very intelligent, patient, experienced and nice people who were always are free to give some advice.
The receiving institution organized for us visiting the local art gallery, which was a nice addition to the learning process. Panevėžio kolegija situated in the city center in a very old big building. We had a free time after studies to walk in city center and to look a lot of beautiful parks and sculptures. Panevezys – is a small, but very beautiful and green city.
We gained new knowledge, international experience in professional and personal growth and a fresh view of the learning process. We received new knowledge in finance and crediting, we got an idea of Lithuania's taxation, which will help us in further communication with our Lithuanian colleagues.
We recommend to all students to use the opportunities of the Erasmus program, it is a really good and useful experience.
Žanna un Aleksandra,
2.kursa studentes
Mobility to university with Erasmus + give the opportunity to look other country, university, people. I visited Klaipėda State University of Applied Sciences. It is the 3rd biggest University of applied sciences and 1st biggest in West region of Lithuania. University focuses on professional studies and practical activities. Students gain professional bachelor degree. There are 250 professional lecturers and 50 practical laboratories. Before visiting I contacted with Erasmus coordinator (International relations Department) Jurate Danieliene. With her we agreed of my visiting the University. During the visit period I got acquainted with Klaipėda University. The staff always glad to welcome Erasmus students for study or internship mobility and coleagues for staff mobility. Colegues of Universitykindly told about Klaipeda state university, showed faculties: faculty of Technologies, faculty of Health sciences, business faculty.
My purpose was to visit library. The central library of University is situated on Faculty of Technologies, there are 3 floors. Books are in Lithuanian, English and Russian languages on a separate shelf. There are 5 librarians and the Head of all faculties libraries - Tamelienė Reda Marytė. The Lithuanian students use library cards (LSIC), other universities students present a passport or Personal Identity Card. Students can use Moodle and Teams programs. In Klaipeda University students can use pay services: printing, copying, scanning. To virtual library students connect with username and password and can use subscribed databases and e-books (EBSCO, EMERALD, Taylor &Francis and other) in library or at home.
On the back of books there are stickers which means how long you can use a book. Students can borrow books from the library collection. Before borrowing, users must order it from the library catalogue.
The best bachelor works available on platform. All higher schools of Lithuania are collaborated. It has plagiarism system Turnetin.
In library are separate rooms for prepare works, reports, to talk with friends of the course. There is a hall, there students with disabilities (poor eyesight) can use the special computer.
Department of Design has developed a platform for scientific articles.
The Head of Library has been in Latvian Nacional Library, and she would like to visit our College.
My professional mobility benefits are new connections and acquaintances with a neighboring country and training there. I saw how everything is digitalized at the Klaipeda University.
I advise you to visit this University, because there is a friendly atmosphere and a new experience.
Kristīne Ļahova, librarian
Host university: Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution,
Jaunystės street 1, LT-91274, Klaipeda, Lithuania
The mobility period: from 16.01.2023 – to 20.01.2023
We were offered a very good opportunity to be trained, gain experience, and see how training is done in Lithuania.
The traineeship lasted for 2 months in 2022, and during this time we were able to compare the accounting of the two countries. The trip was not only informative in terms of accounting, but also informative in terms of learning in Panevėžys, and we enjoyed the new acquaintances.
Our traineeship mentor Ana Samuilova was very attentive and caring she provided us with all the necessary information and professional knowledge. It seemed we were not as guests but at home and we had known each other for a long time.
We had the opportunity to see how accountancy is taught in Lithuania, the organization of accounting work in a commercial company. We acquired practical skills and developed professional competence in financial, management accounting and taxation, we learned to apply methods of accounting to the economic activity of a company in practice and assess the quality of information presented in the financial report, we systematized materials for our qualification research.
We enjoyed the experience, even though we were apprehensive because it was the first time, we had been involved in such a project. But none of us four have regretted taking part in the studies abroad, we lived in a neighboring country, we gained knowledge, and the communication with the teachers, who were trying to share with us all that they have accumulated over the years is invaluable. We are thankful for the time we spent with you. For your help and responsiveness and organization.
We also thank the College of Accountancy and Finance for allowing us to gain experience in another country.
Trainees: Anna Lavrenova, Inga Suhanovska, Jeļena Kokina, Karina Divanovska
In September 2022 as a part of the ERASMUS+ exchange program (Teaching Mobility), I received a remarkable opportunity to deliver lectures in Lithuania, to communicate with local students, learning their opinions on the themes of my lectures, to exchange experience and points of view with Lithuanian colleagues. I got acquainted with the study process at the Šiauliai State College, offering more than 20 study programs, awarding professional bachelor’s degrees with professional qualifications.
I delivered lectures on the topic “Cross Cultural communication”, focusing on the importance and ways of communicating. It was interesting to speak with students and to get to know their views on the topic. Thanks to the Erasmus+ program, I gained new experience and invaluable knowledge, met very responsive and welcoming colleagues, who were ready to get engaged in different discussions as well as to consider possibilities of further cooperation with the College.
The program offers great opportunities to lecturers’, staff members and students, being the beneficiaries of such events. As we all need to exchange our knowledge, improve the skills and competencies needed in a dynamically changing world that is getting more mobile, multicultural and digital.
CAF Lecturer
In April 2022 the administration of the College and I, as a lecturer, had the opportunity to visit Panevežio Kolegia/ University of Applied Sciences. Our visit was within the framework of continuing cooperation between the institutions, and thus mutual needs and opportunities for planning the development of future cooperation in both academic and research areas were considered.
My task was to deliver lectures, thus introducing Lithuanian students with the methods we use in English Language teaching. It was interesting experience as the students showed their abilities to speak English and to participate in discussions.
During our stay we were showed the facilities used for studies, we found out several things that we could introduce in our college. The colleagues shared their experience in providing quality, innovative, up-to-date content, developing the abilities of students who can promote significant changes in the educational environment, facilitating the transition to new ways of teaching.
In conclusion Erasmus + Mobility provides immeasurable added value: best practice used in other countries as well as practical cross- cultural communication and the feeling of belonging to the European education area. Thanks to these opportunities, the educational environment becomes modern, dynamic, and professional – lecturers integrate good practices and new techniques in their daily work.
Ingūna Strautiņa
I gladly took part in the program Erasmus + mobility, after lockdown, remote lectures and isolation.
I took the opportunity to lecture at the university of Applied Sciences Panevezys in September 2021. Lecture topic was TAX SYSTEM IN LATVIA. After lectures we had very interesting discussion about tax burden, benefits for individuals and the shadow economy.
I also had another visit to Lithuania in September. At the Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences, Klaipeda, I met with colleagues and we discussed the possibility of joint research. My main motivations for taking part in Erasmus+ mobility were:
- To reinforce the cooperation with a partner institution
- To share my own knowledge and skills with students
- To improve my foreign language skills
Erasmus teaching mobility is more than an opportunity to lecture and improve the knowledge of foreign language. This mobility also gives real possibility to reinforce and develop the academic cooperation with the partner University and to build up new professional contacts at both institutions. It is an opportunity to familiarise itself with the culture of another country, the study process, the establishment of new contacts. Erasmus teaching mobility: it is a challenge and an opportunity for growth.
In conclusion, I can say that mobility is a lifestyle and I will always remember it as one of the best experiences.
Not only students, but faculty and staff members need to be better equipped with the knowledge, skills and competences needed in a dynamically changing society that is increasingly mobile, multicultural and digital.
Angelina Tjurina, GFK docent
In September 2021 as a part of the ERASMUS+ exchange program (Teaching Mobility), I received a remarkable opportunity to improve my teaching competence in Lithuania, to communicate with local students, learning their opinions on the themes of my lectures, to exchange experience and points of view with colleagues, to agree on further cooperation and possible joint research, and to improve my communication skills in English.
I delivered lectures on the topic “The role of small business in the economy of the EU and the Baltic states and methods of government support”, focusing on the statistics of the EU and the countries of the Baltic region, and emphasizing the role of small business in the successful development of each discussed country and the EU as a whole. Additionally in my lectures, I addressed the topic of possible forms of support that may be given to small enterprises on the part of the state, and demonstrated the results of the joint research conducted in 2020: the survey of students in Lithuania and Latvia, where respondents were interviewed on the possibility of starting up a business in their country, the ease of doing business there, and the availability of various forms of state support in their countries in the whole.
In the course of events carried out in the frame of ERASMUS+ program in Lithuania, the participants exchanged their views on the methods of teaching and research, preparation and defense of term papers and graduation papers, and analyzed the lists of related study literature and Internet resources. In this way, I obtained valuable experience in the application of new technologies, innovations and interactive approach to teaching full-time and part-time students.
In the result of my participation in Erasmus+ program, I gained new experience and invaluable knowledge, met interesting colleagues, engaged in productive discussions, as well as considered possibilities of further cooperation and joint research with Lithuanian colleagues and students. All this will help me to research further and systematize information for the completion of my doctoral thesis on the topic “Features of government support for small business in Latvia”.
Thank you for the provided opportunity! It was a valuable and interesting experience!
Renāte Indrika, lecturer
Man bija piedāvātā iespēja piedalīties ERASMUS + studiju programmā un studēt Šiauliai State College Lietuvā, kuru es nolēmu labprāt izmantot, jo tāda programma palīdz paplašināt savas zināšanas un iegūt jaunu pieredzi, kas nākotnē palīdzēs būt konkurētspējīgākam darba tirgū. Šiauliai State College mūs uzņēma ļoti viesmīlīgi, pirmajā tikšanās reizē iepazīstināja ar koledžu, ar pasniedzējiem un pašu kaimiņvalsti. Esmu ļoti apmierināta ar mācību procesu, pasniedzēji bija ļoti atsaucīgi un pretimnākoši, ja bija kādi jautājumi uzreiz palīdzēja. Paldies par augstas kvalitātes mobilitātes organizēšanu un nodrošinātu izglītības un apmācību sistēmas atbilstību mūsdienu pasaules izaicinājumiem. Šajos 112 dienas es ieguvu jaunas zināšanas, starptautisku pieredzi profesionālajā un personības izaugsme un plašāko skatījums uz mācības procesu. Spilgtākie iespaidi ir jaunas emocijas, citas valsts skaistums, arhitektūras pieminekļi, gards ēdiens, draudzīgi cilvēki, interesanta un jautra saskarsme, aizraujoša mācīšanās - tas viss tevi iedvesmo!
Iesaku citiem studentiem izmantot šādu iespēju, jo "Erasmus+" sniedz iespēju gūt starptautisku pieredzi, plašāko un jaunu skatījumu uz mācībām.
Viktorija Vlasova
Par dalību Erasmus+ programmā kā ideju turēju prātā jau vidusskolas laikā. Zināju, ka studiju laikā vēlos papildināt zināšanas arī studentu apmaiņas programmā. Erasmus+ apmaiņas programmā piedalījos otro reizi - guvu atkārtotu brīnišķīgu pieredzi. Man kā piedzīvojumu meklētājai, tā bija lieliska iespēja sevi pilnveidot, gūt jaunu pieredzi, labāk iepazīt citu valsti un tās kultūru, kā arī veicināja komunikāciju un jaunu kontaktu iegūšanu ārvalstīs.
Visu mobilitātes laiku bija lieliska sadarbība ar pasniedzējiem, nāca pretim jebkuram uzdotajam jautājumam, un neskatoties uz visu situāciju dēļ izsludinātā pandēmijas laika - vīrusa Covid-19 tikām galā ar visu uzdoto visai veiksmīgi.
Atskatoties atpakaļ uz pavadīto Erasmus+ laiku, varu secināt, ka šis laiks bija ļoti piepildīts, ne tikai profesionālajā ziņā, bet arī pavēris man plašāku skatījumu, jo tas ir liels ieguvums cilvēka dzīves pieredzē!
Un, manuprāt, ja skola ir iesaistījusies Erasmus+ mobilitātes programmā, šī iespēja ir jāizmanto!
Esmu pateicīga par iespēju, kas man tika dota!
Una Bērziņa
I chose the ERASMUS + program, believing that it can provide an opportunity to study abroad, get acquainted with a different culture and improve my knowledge of a foreign language. Additional motivating factors for studying abroad were: the length of the study period abroad was appropriate, the possibility to receive an Erasmus + grant, the quality of the receiving institution, a good alignment of the courses abroad with the curriculum at the sending institution, available support in finding accommodation.
Erasmus + is a scholarship program, synonymous with academic mobility, for many students it is also the key to independence. Anyone who spends a certain period in a foreign country, in a different linguistic environment, gains self-confidence, learns to solve organizational issues.
Intercultural communication experience is an additional advantage in the labor market.
I am very pleased with the quality of training and teaching at the host institution: the quality of the course content, the quality of teaching methods, the degree of training support received.
Erasmus is appreciated for the opportunity to make new contacts, make friends.
You learn to discipline yourself, to allocate your time, to motivate yourself, you are looking for the right literature, conduct research. For greater objectivity, your work is checked by teachers who do not know you. There is practically no close interaction between students and teachers. At the same time, each teacher focuses on a highly specialized field, which he studied throughout his career and which he understands 100%.
The project made it possible to visit the attractions of Siauliai, organized events for foreign students and opened English language courses.
Thanks to the program, I consolidated the level of the English language, got acquainted with the culture of Lithuania, found like-minded people, visited the environment of the language being studied.
This unique experience made me more resistant to stress and change, helped to develop communication, orientation skills in the unfamiliar environment, taught me how to cope with difficulties, and presented interesting acquaintances and knowledge.
I studied new subjects for me at Šiauliai College: Financial Management, Tax system, International Economics, Financial Markets, Innovation and Project Management and Business Ethics. Furthermore, I managed to get excellent final results. The most interesting part was practical tasks on the International Economy and Business Ethics. It was also very educational. The interaction of the sending and receiving parties with the students was very friendly.
Despite the fact that Siauliai is a rather provincial city, its calm atmosphere and lack of fuss helped to focus on important issues while studying and to relax during free time.
I recommend this project to all students, as it helps more confident and convinced of my abilities, better my strengths and weaknesses, more able to adapt to and act in new situations, more able to think and analyse information critically, more tolerant towards other persons' values and behaviour, more open-minded and curious about new challenges, intend to participate more actively in social and political life of my community, more interested in knowing what happens in the world daily, more able to reach decisions, more able to cooperate with people from other backgrounds and cultures, more aware of social and political concepts like democracy, justice, equality, citizenship, civil rights.
During your stay abroad with Erasmus + it will help as think logically and draw conclusions (analytical skills), find solutions in difficult or difficult conditions (problem-solving skills), plan and conduct your training yourself, use the Internet, social networks and PCs, for example, for my studies, work and personal activities, develop an idea and put it into practice, see the value of different cultures, collaborate in teams, plan and organize tasks and events, express yourself creatively.
Aleksandra Arkašarinа
Šo pavasari/vasaru man bija lieliska iespēja piedalīties Erasmus programmā un iziet praksi grāmatvedības kompānijā Viļnā.
Esmu ļoti priecīga un apmierināta par šādu iespēju. 3 mēnešu laikā iemācījos ļoti daudz jauna, ieguvu praktisku pieredzi grāmatvedībā un noteikti iemācījos ļoti daudz lietu, tieši saistītu ar profesiju, kas būs noderīgas turpmākajā darbībā un izaugsmē. Kompānija, kurā izgāju praksi, bija neliela, atmosfēra draudzīga un jauka, pret mani izturējās kā pret komandas locekli, viss tika paskaidrots/parādīts utt.
Vienmēr esmu mīlējusi Viļņu kā pilsētu un vienmēr ir gribējies tur padzīvot, vairāk pabūt, redzēt ... Tā bija lieliska iespēja iejusties šīs pilsētas dzīvē, kultūrā, apmeklēt skaistas vietas.
Kā arī tas bija nenovērtējami valodas apguvei. Pirms aizbraukšanas biju mācījusies lietuviešu valodu, lielākoties pašmācības ceļā un varēju saprast lielu daļu sacītā. Bet nerunāju, jo LV nebija ar ko praktizēties. Prakses vietā manu vēlēšanos iemācīties runāt uzņēma ar entuziasmu, diezgan daudz ar mani sarunājās lietuviski, un šobrīd jau varu runāt. Protams, līdz labai valodai vēl tālu, bet varu pateikt, ko gribu & domāju un tas nebūtu iespējams bez reālas praktikas, dzīvojot šeit.
Man šis brauciens bija lieliska pieredze un iespēja, es iemācījos un ieguvu ļoti daudz visdažādākajos aspektos. Esmu ļoti pateicīga savai koledžai un Erasmus programmai par šo dāvāto iespēju un novēlu, lai visiem braucieni būtu tik sekmīgi, noderīgi un iespaidiem bagāti kā manējais.
GFK 1.kurss
Esmu Grāmatvedības un finanšu koledžas studiju programmas „Grāmatvedība un finanses” studente Daiga Kokare. Man bija lieliska iespēja piedalīties Erasmus+ programmā Lietuvā. Mūsu galamērķis bija Šauļi, kur mēs mācījāmies Šiauliai State College. Tā bija iespēja paplašinot savu redzesloku.
Šiauliai State College mūs uzņēma ļoti viesmīlīgi. Pirmajā tikšanās reizē iepazīstināja ar skolu un pasniedzējiem. Esmu ļoti apmierināta ar mācību procesu. Pasniedzēji bija ļoti atsaucīgi un pretimnākoši. Ieguvums - iespēja izrauties no ikdienas, papildinātas zināšanas un nostiprinātas zināšanas angļu valodā.
Pasniedzēji ar mums sazinājās gan angliski, gan krieviski.
Dalība šajā programmā raisījusi tikai pozitīvas emocijas – esmu pateicīga mūsu koledžas pasniedzējiem par piedāvāto iespēju, palīdzību iesnieguma noformēšanā dalībai šajā programmā, un atbalstu. Protams, esmu pateicīga arī Lietuvas pasniedzējiem par laipno uzņemšanu, labo attieksmi un atsaucību.
Visumā mācību ziņā Lietuvā ieguvu to, ko biju gaidījusi. Iesaku izmantot Erasmus apmaiņas programmas iespējas, jo šī pieredze būs ļoti noderīga.
Liels pluss ir Eiropas Savienības nodrošinātā materiālā palīdzība.
Katram studentam ieteiktu piedalīties izglītojošajā programmā ERASMUS.
Daiga Kokare
GFK 2.kurss
ERASMUS+ veiksmes stāsts par mācībām Lietuvā
Es esmu Grāmatvedības un finanšu koledžas studiju programmas „Grāmatvedība un finanses” studente Helga Putene. Man bija iespēja piedalīties ERASMUS + studiju programmā un studēt Šiauliai State College Lietuvā, kuru es labprāt izmantoju.
Šajos mēnešos es ieguvu jaunu pieredzi, guvu jaunas un vērtīgas atziņas. Viena no tām ir ļoti vienkārša — nebaidīties un uzdrīkstēties. Mans lielākais ieguvums ir tas, ko nevar izmērīt vai izjust cits, — tas, ko esmu pārdzīvojusi, piedzīvojusi, ko esmu iemācījusies tieši sev. Tās ir izjūtas un pieredze, ko nevar atņemt neviens, bet kurā varu dalīties ar citiem! Tāpēc paldies ERASMUS programmai par šo iespēju!
Es visiem iesaku izmantot ERASMUS apmaiņas programmu, ja pastāv tāda iespēja.
Šiauliai State College atrodas Šauļu centrā, atbraucot mēs iepazināmies ar skolu un tās pasniedzējiem, kuri bija ļoti saprotoši un pretimnākoši, mācību procesā bija iespēja papildināt savas zināšanas angļu valodā.
Brīvā laikā iepazināmies ar Šauļu pilsētu un tās kultūras dzīvi.
Ir studenti, kas nepārtraukti piedalās starptautiskās apmaiņas programmās, konkursos, projektos, konferencēs, studentu rīkotajos pasākumos un svētkos, izcīna balvas
un stipendijas, ceļo un gūst pieredzi. Un ir studenti, kas tikai noskatās no malas. Viens no iespējamiem katram studentam pieejamiem atspēriena punktiem ir ERASMUS programma — tā ir iespēja ikvienam aktīvam studentam.
Ja rodas iespēja, iesaku izmantot Erasmus programmas iespējas, jo pieredze noteikti būs noderīga.
Helga Putene
GFK 2.kurss
A personal account of the passage of the Erasmus program
I had the opportunity to study under the Erasmus program during spring semester 2015/2016 academic year in Šiauliai State College. The receiving institution greeted us very well. We were told in details about every possible question or problem we might have.
My fellow students and me chose to study four subjects: basics of audit, management accounting, tax system, financial analysis. I would like to point out the sincere kindness, compassion, care and loyalty of the lecturers, with whom we have cooperated in the framework of the chosen subjects. Lecturers always quickly and willingly answered all questions, gave advice (communication occurred more frequently via e-mail) and quickly checked written papers.
The work of the administrative staff of Šiauliai State College was well coordinated – they were always available for quick communication for any questions: concerning the training and organizational issues.
I am very pleased to be a part of the Erasmus program. I had the opportunity to gain professional and also life experience. I believe that the experience gained during the training in Šiauliai State College will help me in the future.
The European exchange program Erasmus gives students the opportunity to express themselves in other countries. I want to say a big thanks to the creators of this program and the people who work with it.
My impressions of the Erasmus program
My story about the completed Erasmus program will not be the brightest and most impressionable for the reader, as well as to myself. This is due to two factors – the training was carried out in a close to Latvia country – Lithuania, as well as in my native language – Russian Nevertheless, this does not eliminate the received knowledge and expertise.
The welcoming side showed proper hospitality and kindness, and it could be seen and also felt. Order of things and events were well coordinated, and representatives of the administration of the State College of Siauliai – where always available for quick conversation on any matter related to the program.
In this short personal story, mostly, I would like to emphasize sincerity kindness, compassion, care and loyalty of the teachers, who I had a chance to work with on the selected subjects: the teachers always were quick and willing to answer the questions, to give advice and to check the tasks performed.
Basically, I am very happy for the opportunity offered and participation in the Erasmus program, despite the fact that the experience of everyday life could be much brighter. But this, in my opinion, is secondary ....
Dalības izglītojošajā programmā ERASMUS raksturojums
Par izglītojošo programmu ERASMUS es uzzināju pirms dažiem gadiem un esmu ļoti priecīga, ka man pašai izdevās izmantot izdevību tajā piedalīties.
Dalība šajā programmā raisījusi tikai pozitīvas emocijas – esmu pateicīga mūsu koledžas pasniedzējiem par piedāvāto iespēju, palīdzību iesnieguma noformēšanā dalībai šajā programmā, atbalstu un ieinteresētību mūsu panākumos. Protams, esmu pateicīga arī pasniedzējiem no Šauļu Valsts koledžas par sirsnīgo uzņemšanu, labo attieksmi un to, ka vienmēr mums tika veltīts laiks.
Iepatikās gan paši cilvēki, gan pilsēta, koledža, atmosfēra, izvēlētie mācību priekšmeti, gan patstāvīgo darbu tēmas. Tās bija aktuālas, interesantas, un darbu rakstīšanas laikā es uzzināju daudz jauna, ieguvu informāciju, kuras apguvei es diez vai pati būtu atradusi laiku.
Patstāvīgo darbu apjoms, skaits un nodošanas termiņi bija pilnīgi adekvāti. Bija brīži, kad šķita, ka laika var pietrūkt, jo mēs visi apvienojām mācības ar darbu, bet, ja es jau iepriekš būtu zinājusi, kas mani sagaida, es tik un tā piekristu braukt. Piedalīšanās programmā ERASMUS ļoti disciplinē un satuvina ar kursa biedriem, mēs pastāvīgi savā starpā dalījāmies ar informāciju, uzzinājām par pabeigto darbu skaitu un iegūtajām atzīmēm, vienai man būtu veicies daudz grūtāk.
Patīkami pārsteidza tas, ka ļoti noderēja krievu valodas prasme. Saziņa ar pasniedzējiem notika angļu un daļēji arī krievu valodā.
Jaunas vietas, jauni paziņas – tas vienmēr ir labi, tā ir lieliska dzīves pieredze un papildu izglītība savā specialitātē. Darba devēji tam pievērš uzmanību, nemaz nerunājot par tām augstākās izglītības iestādēm, kurās mēs gatavojamies turpināt mācības.
Šis pusgads bija ļoti interesants, mēs vienmēr bijām aizņemti ar kaut ko noderīgu, mūs vairs nespēs nobiedēt nepieciešamība sagatavot lielu darbu skaitu ierobežotā laika posmā. Un, protams, ne pats būtiskākais, bet tomēr liels pluss ir Eiropas Savienības nodrošinātā materiālā palīdzība. Nobeigumā vēlos sacīt, ka es katram studentam ieteiktu piedalīties izglītojošajā programmā ERASMUS.
Arina Titova
Grāmatvedības un finanšu koledžas
2.kursa studente
Erasmus stāsts par mācībām Lietuvā
Esmu Grāmatvedības un finanšu koledžas studiju programmas „Uzņēmējdarbība un finanses” students Toms Veinbergs, kuram bija lieliska iespēja piedalīties Erasmus programmā un doties uz Lietuvu.
Šiauliai State College mūs uzņema ļoti viesmīlīgi, pirmajā tikšanās reizē iepazīstināja ar skolu, ar pasniedzējiem un pašu kaimiņvalsti. Izstāstījā, kur mēs dzīvosim, pat bija iespēja doties nelielā ekskursijā pa pilsētas centru. Esmu ļoti apmierināts ar mācību procesu, pasniedzēji bija ļoti atsaucīgi un pretīmnākoši, ja bija kādi jautājumi uzreiz palīdzēja. Ieguvu no šī brauciena ļoti daudz – iespēja izrauties no ikdienas, iepazīt jaunus cilvekus, kultūru, patīkamas un pozitīvas atmiņas, jaunus kontaktus, nostiprināju zināšanas angļu valodā un vienkārši lieliska pieredze.
Iesaku citiem studentiem izmantot šādu iespēju, jo tā ir neaptverama pieredze, kuru neviens nespēs atņemt. Esiet drosmigi un piedalieties, jo mēs dzīvojam tikai vienreiz.