Scientific research is one of the main directions of the College activities implemented by the College academic staff, students and administrative staff.
According to the regulations of the College, the task of scientific research is to conduct research in accordance with the study profile and to promote students’ scientific research activity.
The College implements scientific research activities in accordance with the Law on Higher Education Institutions, the Law on Scientific Activities, and the Code of Ethics for Scientists, Regulations and development strategy of the College, and other binding regulatory enactments.
According to the Law on Scientific Activities, the College understands scientific research activity as a creative activity, which includes science, research and innovation.
The main directions of College research work are the following:
Theoretical and practical problems of accounting in Latvia.
Professional competencies of an accountant today and tomorrow.
Types of students scientific research activities:
Study research activity: Research projects within the framework of separate study courses; Course paper/ project; Qualification paper/ project.
Participation in scientific conferences and preparation of publications.
Activities in international projects.