The College of Accounting and Finance offers several opportunities to study or take an internship abroad within the Erasmus+ program.

The aim of the program is to promote students' education and the development of study or internship experience abroad.

Applications for participation in the Erasmus+ study exchange program and internship are accepted twice a year:

Until May 15 - for studies or internship in the autumn semester;

Until December 15 - for studies or internship in the spring semester.

GFK students have the opportunity to go on an exchange:

In studies - for a period of 2 to 12 months;

In internships - for a period of 2 to 12 months according to the content of the study program.

Short-term study/internship mobility – for a period of 5 to 30 days combined with a virtual period, with a minimum number of credit points of 3 ECTS.

You can apply for exchange studies to higher education institutions with which GFK has concluded cooperation agreements.

Full-time and part-time 1st, 2nd, 3rd year students as well as for recent graduates – one year after graduation may participate in internship mobility, if:

  • All academic and financial obligations to GFK have been settled;
  • You have a good knowledge of English;
  • You are not on academic leave.

The Erasmus+ program also offers opportunities for GFK graduates to apply for internship mobility.

A period of study or internship abroad is academically recognised.

You can read more about the program on the website of the State Education and Development Agency:

To apply for participation in the Erasmus+ program, the student fills in a questionnaire, which is submitted to the GFK Department of Studies in person or by sending to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application form for Erasmus+ study mobility: Pieteikuma anketa Erasmus+ studenta mobilitātei;

Application form for Erasmus+ internship mobility: Pieteikuma anketa Erasmus+ studenta praksei.


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